Saturday, November 17, 2007


I spent a lot of time reading and learning about tagging and social bookmarking. I love the look of a cloud tag sorted by size. It reminds me of a graphic organizer. The brief video "Social Bookmarking in Plain English" was the most helpful to me, maybe because it used the example of teachers sharing resources (once an educator, always an educator).
I liked the idea of being able to access your bookmarks from any computer. I use many of the same web sites at home that I use at work. Social bookmarking would be a useful tool for library staff to share resources that might be beneficial not only to each other but to our patrons.
I decided to do a search on preschool crafts and found 536 sites. Many of the sites were the same that I use on a regular basis such as thebestkidsbooksite and DLTK. I still prefer to use google, although my reason may be only because of its familiarity.

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